If you’ve been accused of criminal sexual conduct in the state of Michigan, it’s important to work with the right attorney from the start. How you handle your criminal defense from the beginning will impact how your case ends. The skilled defense attorneys at Zeineh Law have handled hundreds of cases and litigated dismissals of criminal sexual conduct charges. Early involvement is key to avoiding charges being authorized. Contact Zeineh Law today to inquire about criminal sexual conduct representation in the state of Michigan.
The majority of sex crimes in the state of Michigan are categorized under the term “Criminal Sexual Conduct” or CSC. Crimes under the umbrella of CSC include rape, statutory rape or any unconsented touching or sexual conduct. Without a doubt, being accused of criminal sexual conduct can be a harrowing experience. Being charged with a crime like this is an attempt by a prosecutor to forever label the accused as a sex offender.
Sex crime cases have significant immediate and long term consequences. Convictions will usually result in lengthy jail and prison sentences, as well as the lifetime consequences of a felony conviction and registration as a sex offender. Zeineh Law’s primary objective in defending against sex crime charges is always to win a dismissal or not guilty result whenever possible. Michigan attorney Edwar Zeineh is a respected and skilled litigator with an excellent track record of success in jury trials – even in cases where other lawyers have deemed unwinnable. Attorney Zeineh has the knowledge, experience, and wisdom to offer an honest assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your case and the risks of going to trial, and he will spend as much time as it takes to help you come to a decision you are most comfortable with.
Hiring a skilled criminal defense lawyer to aggressively fight the charges against you is a step in the right direction. If you or someone you love has been charged with a sex crime, or if you are under investigation for a sex offense, contact Zeineh Law to schedule a consultation. At Zeineh Law in Lansing, Attorney Edwar Zeineh and his team of defense attorneys believe that every individual accused of a sex crime deserves the chance to prove his or her innocence and they will do everything in their power to help you do just that.
If you have questions about a CSC charge in Michigan, call Zeineh Law today at
(517) 292-7000.
Zeineh Law is well known for handling high profile, high stakes litigation. We champion ethics, professionalism, and aggressive representation.